Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Gasp moments

I watched the first episode of a program last night where one of the main characters dies... throughout the episode, over the following weeks and months, every now and then one of the remaining characters would suddenly remember and have what I would term a “gasp moment”. That often sickening moment where one remembers something that happens, and you feel the shock/pain/emotion of it all over again. You live your life normally, but every now and then IT hits.

I’ve been having a few of these Moments lately, especially today. When one is tired I think they hit more. The unreality we construct for ourselves in hopes and dreams can’t be sustained when other faculties are strained.

I don’t think though that these Moments are always bad. They can remind us that things we were working towards can no longer be, thus reinforce the need to move on. They can strengthen our resolve. They’re not necessarily pleasant moments, but they’re not bad for us.

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