Thursday, February 11, 2010

Timothy and Barnabas but lacking Paul...

I got home tonight thinking about the concept alluded to above - that of mentoring.

After googling what a friend mentioned on the need in our lives for a Timothy, Barnabas and Paul (and the fact that we should be that to others) I got thinking again about the lack in my life of a Mentor - of a Paul.

The concept (as outlined a bit in the above link and on many others when you google "paul timothy barnabas mentoring") is this: We have someone that mentors us (Paul) We have someone that walks the road with us (Barnabas) We have someone that we mentor (Timothy), and vise versa - "Basically, we need to be a Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy and to have a Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy."

I got home tonight from being a Paul - or at least something that is developing into that with three girls who I've made myself available to. Tonight was the first night that we got together since they graduated and, to my surprise, have asked if we could make it a regular fortnightly thing.

While this is good, it reinforces something that I've been thinking about for the past two years: I need a Paul.

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