Thursday, May 19, 2011

adrian plass's cat

I'm doing a Leonard Thynn this afternoon and borrowing a friend's dog (for those who aren't familiar with the reference, it's from Adrian Plass's diaries where one of the characters (Leonard) would borrow his cat).

I miss my puppy, I miss my home, I miss people I can go to for prayer. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm missing going to a charismatic church (as much as I love my current one, no church is perfect).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

contentment vs complacency

I've been a bad blogger recently with a huge delay in posts - often writing them in my head or down on a piece of paper rather than typing them out. My reasons for this are many, but boil down to one thing - I've been working things out in private, but am now ready to start writing again.

Earlier this year I moved to Sydney, Australia after living and reviving in my home town for three years. In the past year before I moved the line between contentment and complacency was my struggle (along with many others!).

The past 6 months has been incredible. An amazing man has come into my life in a new way - an incredible friend for ten years has finally stepped up to the plate and said how great he thinks I am :), I've had a trip to New Zealand and have started a job, left a job, and am now about to start a new one. I've joined a church to which I sooo look forward to going to each week and am learning more and more about life. I'm also flatting for the first time in my life! (so add to the list before house hunting)

The past 6 months has been filled with unexpected challenges. Along with getting to know someone in a new way, I've walked the journey of being open with my folks in a new way about how I/we are going. I've started to struggle with anxiety at times again and dealing with other medical issues has been an expensive enterprise.

The past 6 months I've been carried. I feel incredibly taken care of by God during these past 6 months especially. With two 12 hour car rides, an international trip, a job search (x2), a job in which I faced ethical issues, new relationships, a new city and the building of love there is a lot that could have gone wrong... and it hasn't. Yes, there's still a big journey ahead, but I am astounded by how well things have gone with apparently little effort.

The now is full of goals. I want a mentor, an older spiritually wise woman to develop with. I want to be a great example and worker in my new job. I want to be an awesome girlfriend until that transitions into something more. I want to find a hobby to be creatively fulfilled in. I want a sport that doesn't hurt my knee. I want to enjoy each moment. I want to grow more in my knowledge, love and devotion to Jesus. I want to make friends and be a good friend.

The line between contentment and complacency is likely to always be a journey, although for me the journey of trust is likely to be greater. I'm glad though, so very glad, that I made the move to Sydney and moved out of complacency towards contentment. I want to be content, but never complacent.

(a shout out to my most regular follower here - I hope that this post is less disapointing than my last one!)