Sunday, September 07, 2008

I wish...

I wasn't here alone.

Now that's said and done with, last night was absolutely fabulous! Catching up with Pete, Richard, Bethan and Sheila at Inn Side Out was certianly a highlight of this trip. With some very funny times added in (e.g. I couldn't figgure out why my food was so hot, and then half way through relised that the funny green things weren't olives but Jalapinios... Peter and his camera "Once I start taking photos I just can't put it away!")

Busy day today - I've just walked passed St John's church for memories sake, and am off to my own church St Andrews where I'll be meeting Daniel and Carolyn for lunch afterwards. I've then got Dim Sum for Craig and Debbie at 2pm (which I know I'll be late for!) and following that meeting up with Helen Mottee and then having dinner with Kara - I'll sleep well tonight. Dim Sum should be interesting... I have managed not to eat pork or shellfish during my stay thus far - I think it's unavoidable at Dim Sum though! Shall give it a go.


Miwa in HK said...

Ooooh:) Fun times! enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!:) xoxooxoxox

Mike & Helen said...

Good to see you today!!! Was very surprised. Look forward to catching up a bit more tomorrow :)