Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Perfect Night

My Brothers and I used to play cards when I was younger - 21, Blind BlackJack, Poker, those sort of cards, betting with little tiny chips that Andrew picked up somewhere. I can't really say we were that into Snap or Old Maid, although we did go through a UNO phase, and now that I think of it we had these HUGE Popeye cards that were fun to play with (I wonder where they are now???) As a family too we've always been pretty good at 500, and I do have to admit that mom's rather addicted to her computer Spider Solitaire games... ok, you get the point, we all still play cards and most of us wouldn't say no to a round of Texas Holdem....

*here goes all my staunch conservative readers who now think I'm going to hell... probably did before this anyway!*

Anyhoo - It's funny to remember these things, times like when Andrew completely conned me while playing Blind BlackJack for a while... he'd pick the same seat every time (not that unusual for Andrew) but after a while started to laugh when I was getting frustrated about him always winning, this was until he told me to look behind me and there, lo and behold, right in his line of sight was a mirror... (I'm sure Steve knew what was going on and led me along too - he's a bit quicker on the uptake then I am).

All of this has come flooding back after leaving work late tonight and deciding, after an incredibly full on day to hang all and go to the movies - you guessed it - I saw "21", a movie about counting cards in Vegas, and I loved it! Yes, not the movie to go and see if you agree with Greg Koukle that the definition of a bad movie "is one which makes sin look fun", there were definitely a few parts which did that (I'll never think of high rise apartment windows in the same way), but even if you are in a prudish (or perhaps wholesome is the right word) mood, there are some redeeming qualities where people had been jerks and they said sorry and the world was righted once again, greed is bad and so is jealousy etc. etc...

Moral judgments aside, I've come home on a buzz, ready for another mammoth day tomorrow, exhausted but stoked - a great day at work and a perfect night of putting my hair up, going to the movies, and remembering family fun :)

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