Thursday, June 19, 2008


Corporations put their heads together while creating the idea of Thursday night shopping for people just like me... You go out with the purpose to buy ONE thing, decide to have a bit more of a look around and BOOM three hats and some facinators and hey - why not a few pink earings later I'm writing this blog - oh, and add in a red leather Jag wallet (which by the way is fabulous!)

My one thing was a curry comb for my pony who's being rugged, as all three horse stores were closed, I dropped in the main shopping centre and well, the above somehow happened when I found the wallet in Myer at 50% off and I walked past a closing down sale with 70% off. What sparked the buying of hats and facinators was that a friend asked me yesterday to join the Red Hat club, and as I'm under 50 I wear pink or mouve, hence the "excuse" to buy.

In reflection though I'm SO annoyed at myself. I mean yes, I don't regret the wallet, or two of the hats - but the rest? So could have done without them, and while the money doesn't add up to too much, with fuel the way it is (over $1.50 a liter) and using more of it getting to the farm and back to exercise Kokoda before the Ekka, and planning to buy an Iphone to replace the phone I dropped in a beer esky 4 months ago I do admit there was some stupid spending going on tonight!

Oh well - you live and you learn ... I hope!

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