Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Gift?

We have a prophet coming to Church today, or at least a gentleman that is gifted with Words of Knowledge and Prophecy. While thinking on the service this morning and last night, the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5 came to mind where Paul says don't despise the gift of prophecy. I had to repent because in some ways, I have been.

To back track a little bit, I used to be a prophetic word junkie - you know the type - someone with a gift would come to church and I was so lost and wanting to hear God's will that I'd go forward every time out of desperation and desire and confusion.

A lot has changed since then - words given to me haven't been fulfilled, I've matured spiritually (I hope!) and I'm much more confident with not only who I am in Christ, but also who I am in general. For the most part too, I'm content with where I am in this season of my life.

I know - it's pretty pointless to think about this because the chances of me being picked out of the congregation are pretty slim, it's how the Spirit leads and God knows how I feel about all of the areas I am confused about... the thing is, and I guess the real point of this blog: I don't feel that I need a Word from God at the moment [By hearing a Word from God, I mean from a Prophet - I do and want to continue to hear through the Bible and nature, and the Holy Spirit.] How proud is that statement? We all need to hear from God, we all need to be open to his Word and Leading and Guidance wherever we are in life.

It all comes down to a knowledge of God's love for me I guess - If God is good, and He IS good, and He loves me, which He does, and He IS love, which he is, then whatever he gives me today, or whatever he doesn't give me, is a good and perfect gift. So may I rejoice today as other's lives are blessed, and if my life is spoken over, may I bring that word before the throne in submission, and love, and belief in my loving Father.

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