Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Funky Firefox Addon

I do like Firefox, and today's computer usage just gave me one more reason to recommend it:

It's an add-on called "Fast Dial" for your home page that automatically loads multiple sites in the one window! I've got the option for 6 sites displayed above, but you can do as little as one (which really there's no point to) or as many as 9.

Big Fan.

Yes - I know I said I wouldn't be blogging this week but I was so stoked about this application I couldn't resist.

Oh, and while I'm on the techie side of life - I'm continuing to learn Joomla! the CMS that our website is built on, and was very stoked to find today that I can learn all about it through online tutorials instead of courses. In fact, the tutes cover more than the courses I was planning to go to do, and I can more easily fit them around my work schedule. So, anyone want a website built?? (hypothetical question!)

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