Wednesday, June 04, 2008

There and back again - part one

Airport security is, in my opinion, one of the most degrading functions of our society which we submit ourselves to. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m in favour of security, I’m very much in favour of airport security, but I do, as a law abiding member of society find it a rather degrading process.

Take this evening for example. I was going through security in Brisbane Airport and was required to take off my boots for separate screening – thank goodness I had long happy socks on… (quite a fashion statement with my suit let me tell you!). When I glanced around, gentlemen were reapplying belts, and other people were repairing similar states of undress.

This is nothing compared to American security though, where everyone is required to remove shoes, put them on the conveyor belt and walk, stocking footed through the metal detectors. I’ve had people shout at me for smiling, and force me to throw out my hairspray :( (yes I’m still working on forgiveness for that one!).

So as I sit in the lounge waiting for my delayed flight, I’m reflecting upon the fact that no matter which class we’re flying, first, business or coach, we’ve all been through the experience together.

We’re also all the same “status” regardless of the price we’ve paid… a bit like how we are in Christ really – it doesn’t matter what we “do” for Christ, or how much we think we’ve “paid” in spiritual terms reading the bible every day, going to theological college, or, like the sinner on the cross, accepting his Mercy at the last moment, we all sit in the lounge together.

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