Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Cross was not Glamorous

In church today I noticed our cross, a humble wooden cross, but with a spotlight on it and a fluorescent light on the back to bounce of the curtain behind. It made me think of how we can glamorise the cruel and humiliating death which Jesus died for our sake. Or even worse, become complacent about it.

Chris Windus preached an awesome message about the Supremacy of Christ, that there is nothing we can do to add to, or make our salvation beyond what he has done. No religious duties, no praying or fasting or going to church or any such thing can add to our salvation, because Christ is supreme and he HAS completed the work already on our behalf. Furthermore, he brought to mind the life that Christ lived - one of Danger and Risk Taking and having fun with mates rather than doing what was expected of him - this is the Jesus we believe in - this is the Jesus I can identify with.

While I liked the sermon and was challenged by it, I really struggled with the "worship". I find it hard to experience freedom in the established form of worship at my church. It's something that's done, and others can connect with, but for me it's by no means my preferred cup of tea. Perhaps it's because of the worship leader, perhaps it's because I dislike blanket statements (even though they may have truth to them!), perhaps it's because I don't know many of the songs and I miss hymns, for whatever reason - I find the time difficult, and I miss my church in Hong Kong that I was so excited to go to each week.

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