Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Until this morning, I had forgotten how GOOD Saturdays can be.

You wake up and are keen to get out of bed even though you don't have to, vacuum the car, eat some breakfast, go bargain shopping at the local Vinnie's (Tommy Hilfiger slacks for $4!) and have your car washed (water restrictions mean we can't wash them ourselves), before heading home via the petrol station to clean your room - All before 11am!

So with all my chores finished (aside from feeding the horses tonight down at the farm) what to do with the rest of the day??

The answer to that is easy - write a blog (in progress), read some more of my book, and later on head to Spring Bluff for a cup of tea prior to heading to the farm.

Oh what a life I lead :)

Yes - I'm obviously still in the after buzz of my empowerment fix yesterday, but making the most of it!

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