Friday, September 19, 2008

Food, Flowers and Festival

Tonight, at great surprise to myself, I decided to take up a friend's invitation and head out to the Flower, Food and Wine Festival which is being held as part of our Carnival of Flowers. I got there early, milled around looking at the stalls and had a really fun night (Johnny Diesel was the lead act, and I must admit I only knew 3 of the songs from this 1980's hit artist!).

I'm writing about the event though for one reason - it was an answer to prayer. Not the whole night, although it was a good thing to get me out and socializing with some great friends, but specifically one conversation.

I had a great conversation with someone who I've chatted to a few times before. Each time I'm able to talk about philosophical and theological things that not many other people really discuss (not in my "circle" anyway). Each time I've really enjoy connecting with the other person. What was so good though, and very enjoyable, AND an answer to prayer was this: I've been asking God to give me something to have conviction about. I'm so tossed by this thing that's happening, or that thing... but I don't have a "passion" or cause... or vocation. Something that energizes beyond the laziness.

I want my life to mean something.

Tonight's discussion about C.S. Lewis and The Theology of the Body and Henri Nouwen was refreshing for the one reason that it reminded me what I love about thinking... pure and simple... and more so, what I love about God and the way he has made us to think, and experience, and love, and BE.

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