Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Rentry Transition

I've been doing some research at work to do with enabling our students to exit our very close Christian school with minimal fall out when they enter the "real" world, away from friends, understanding teachers, and a known support network. To be themselves and find a life outside of school with great success, not floundering and wishing to be back...

In doing so, I've come across some great resources, one in particular, which I plan to use myself. You see I never "debriefed" when coming home, never had the opportunity to really express some of my emotions, hurts, joys and experiences in a healthy way. Partly because I was going through personal grief at the same time, and partly because it was never a mentioned option.

Heading back to Hong Kong, I'm realising how much there still is to work through, and I've been really blessed by this work research as it's highlighted and reinforced the need.

The best article I've come across thus far is this PDF which also has a workbook with the writers giving permission to "pass it along". And so I do :)

Secondly, you might have been shocked by my statement of hurt a few entries ago, and I guess I need to clarify the issue... The bible is very clear about when you feel wronged you are to go to the person directly and then take witness etc. But what happens when you are forbidden to approach the person letting them know of the wrong? What happens when you're manipulated into a situation that is wrong and act accordingly with that manipulation? What happens when you're so weak and devastated by someone's words that you can't fight on your own, and when someone else fights on your behalf they are slandered to your face? All of this and more, happened in the situation of hurt that I mentioned. I have been working through forgiveness with God about the issue and hope, through this "debriefing" process and continued prayer, along with guidance by the Word and people whose opinion I value, one day be able to see this person face to face with no feelings of residual resentment or hurt. I also ask for your prayers, both for me, and all that were involved.

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