Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Every now and then we all have "two teabag" days.

For instance, this morning as I drove to work, bleary eyed for my early Wednesday 7:30 start, I realised my current life somewhat resembles Bridget Jones.
- I've picked up the habit of buying Instant Scratch Its
- I'd be dating her two boyfriends (Ben and Jerry) if they lived in Toowoomba, but have happily settled for second best, moving in with Baskin and Robin
- While I can't weight myself religiously due to my lack of scales, whenever I find some I do, getting this sick sort of pleasure by looking at how thin I am as she did returning from prison in Thailand!
- I don't mind drinking alone

Unlike Bridget, I spoke at my church on Sunday night, sharing some of my experiences from the past two years. One of the most impacting things for me, and apparently also for others was playing a slideshow of people we helped over my time there to the background of Helen Mottee's song "Don't Tell Me". It provided a great contrast between the impact and change doing can make, with the tempting apathy of today's world. Thank you Helen!

Today was a great day, a really, really, really great day. I won't go in to the why, but it was great! (bet you're all curious now aren't you?). My great day may in time crash and burn around me but I'm riding the high while it lasts.

Finally - a question. For all the ladies out there, how much lipstick do you think you will eat in a lifetime? I pondered this as I saw mine slide off onto my tea cup and biscuit today.

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