Monday, September 17, 2007

An interesting day ahead

I'm sitting on my couch after taking Emma for her morning walk contemplating the day ahead.

I need to leave soon to go to the bank, and then Centrelink, following that I'm going to the funeral of a young man who died tragically and unexpectedly this past week. While I didn't know Michael very well, I do know that this memorial service will celebrate his life, with friends coming down on hired buses from the coast where he lived. What I do know of him I'll remember fondly - always a smile, or a genuine word, always recognising the importance of others and being there for them when it counted, always ready for a laugh.

Funerals always make me think of my life - what have I done, how will I be remembered? Being a little bit morbid, I remember whilst in school telling friends what songs I wanted played at my funeral - while the choices have changed, I still think sometimes about what I would wish. The older I get the more funerals I go to, some leave you feeling challenged, others sad, some simply angry at the manner of passing and wondering what you can do for the family who suffers without a loved one.

Not really knowing how to end this train of thought, I'm going to share a Heartlight word for the day I received recently - In thankfulness for Michael's life as someone who will be remembered for this, and a prayer for myself and others, that with whatever time we have remaining we would be more like this:

Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you,
brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.
-- Philemon 1:7

Wouldn't this description of Philemon be a great one to have
said about you! To be loved, supported, and encouraged by an
encourager is to have your heart refreshed and your attitude
lifted. Let's make a commitment to be an "encourager" who refreshes
the hearts of those around us this week.

Tender and loving God, thank you for leading the people into my
life who have encouraged me when I most needed it. Please give me
the eyes to see and the heart to serve those around me who
desperately need my encouragement. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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