Monday, July 16, 2007

Snow, Wind, Smoke, Bubbles, and Rain... all in one night in Hong Kong

Yes, it is true, in the course of one evening I (and others) experienced Snow, Wind, Rain, Bubbles, Smoke... and Perfume. Where you might ask? (Thinking especially of the snow). When I went to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

We went to a 4D cinema located out near the airport, and it was such fun! We had smoke when the fireworks went off, wind when we were flying through the sky, perfume when someone sprayed excess amounts, snow and rain when the elements dictated, and bubbles to finish off the movie!

The movie itself was ok too : )

The screen also had more depth, but no red and blue glasses were required.

I'm a little intrigued though as to what the effects for Die Hard 4 will be when they start to show it later this month.

... I wonder if Toowoomba will get one?

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