Monday, April 09, 2007

Hot Cross Buns

Easter would have to be my favourite season of the year. Not only because of what it represents, but also just because of all the amazing memories that I have of events that occur around this time.

For instance, last year I travelled back to Australia for my brother’s wedding; was able to hold one of my good friend’s newly born daughter on Easter Sunday; stood with thousands of fellow believers in Queen’s Park singing praises to my God standing on a picnic blanket with two of my brothers (plus a brand spanking new sister in law) and my parents; had some great drives in the country; riding with my best mate and camping out in swags; holding babies I’d heard about but never seen for the first time and just general catching up with friends.

I realised on Thursday night when I saw Hot Cross Buns for sale in Wellcome how much I miss being home for Easter. In one moment, that moment, I felt a flood of memories come back as I wrestled with whether or not to purchase these outrageously expensive bread rolls.

This year has been a great Easter. Rest, Sleepins, lychee martini’s, time for reflection and meditation, recognition of the meaning for Easter.

Oh – and if you need to smile or are feeling a little down check out this clip of patches the horse – almost worth its own blog

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