Monday, August 30, 2010

The best day...

Last night I fell asleep to Taylor Swift’s “The best day” – a song which completely summed up how I felt… and feel : “I had the best day, with you, today.”

For the past 3 weeks my brother closest in age to me has been staying with us, on summer break vacation from his studies in Canada. It has been amazing to have him as part of our “every day” lives again. What stands out so much though is how natural it all was – and for this I’m even more thankful! I’m outstandingly proud of him, not only what he’s doing but who he is as a person – and it was great just to “chill” with him again, as once we did so often.

Taylor Swift’s song has a line in it: “God smiles on my older brother, inside and out he’s better than I am”. I can’t agree more – not only with this brother, but all of them. Each are different, but each are amazing (you can’t hardly tell I’m a little sister can you?) No – not perfect, but pretty darn great.

Yesterday was the absolute cap to his time with us. We had a family brunch in the morning and finished the day with playing Dominion late into the night. With two of my brothers, my incredible sister-in-law, my parents and I just enjoying each other – enjoying the time together – enjoying the fact that we are family, and together we had the best day.

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