Saturday, January 16, 2010

When it all hits the fan...

2 people who are very close to me are going through some huge things at the moment.... and it's all hitting the fan.

In one case I've made the effort to keep the relationship with the other party - dropped by a six pack of beer that they like and had a good chat on the phone for an hour or so, letting them know there's no hard feelings and that I was glad for them and the next journey they were stepping out into (note: not a romantic break-up but a business one). My friend was cool with this and encouraged it.

In the second case things aren't quite so simple. I find myself struggling with not holding a secondary offence, and wanting to head in to fight on behalf of this person with vengeance. I know we're not supposed to hold grudges, that the act of doing so is not only detrimental to our health but also our walk with God. I know that God is the only one who has the right to judge... but still... there's a big part of me that goes "mess with my ____ and you mess with me" I want to be GI Jane in the situation.

Unfortunately, that would be the worst thing I could do. So what am I left with...? the familiar theme echos in my ears "trust and pray" "trust and pray"

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