Friday, July 03, 2009

A Very Good Day

I'm on holidays. It's a very good thing. But today, especially, was a great day.

2 things happened today which I want to share (I know I've been quite quiet lately - things to say but after looking at a computer every day I haven't been in the mood to write them out).

Firstly, after reading a book all morning, I took a long drive out to Maclagan. I've started doing things like this quite a bit - having a destination a few hours away in mind and just getting in the car and driving. I love it. I went out, visited a winery, bought a few wines and drove home.

Secondly, a friend is helping me buy a car (I've been very fortunate not to have to buy a car since coming home being able to borrow them from friends and family when they didn't need spare cars). When I went to buy a 6 pack to say thanks I found my Fullers Organic Honey Dew for sale at The Spotted Cow... if you've been reading this blog I have mentioned my desire to have this beer in Australia.. and I'm a very happy girl tonight.

Other catch up news:
  • I've started attending a home group regularly which is really good - honest, down to earth, no "fake it till you make it" crap, be who you are and be real - it's refreshing and encouraging
  • I started my first "from scratch" website yesterday and created a website for my mom which is under construction
  • I'm heading away for 3 days to ride horses on the coast with my mates
  • More photos have finally been updated on Flickr
  • I'm doing really well.


Miwa in HK said...

Such joy to read, and hear how you are doing!! xoxoxox

Solon said...

agree with miwa :) xo