Saturday, October 18, 2008

A day to myself

I have had the most fabulous day.

After driving mom to the airport I took the train into the city. The train journey was great - kind of summed up everything that Brisbane is for me in one journey. Brisbane isn't the hustle and bustle of Sydney. It's not the cafe and concert culture of Melbourne (nor is it as cold). Brisbane is happy to be and stay what it is - it speaks out what it is wherever you are - like on the train - "come, stay with me - I choose to be slow - I don't do the high speed rail thing, I'm summer days and river walks, yes I've got the high rise buildings and the city suits but I'm so much more.. come... you'll love me - and if you don't I don't care"

That's what Brisbane says and I love it.

My train journey was serenaded by the dulcet tones of the guy's iPod Nano next to me belting out Jazz tunes that were distorting due to playing so loud and seen through the eyes of two German backpackers who were exclaiming at the sights in a language I did not understand but could comprehend.

The rest of my day was spent shopping and treating myself to some fabulous shoes and designer tops that make me feel pretty.

I've just finished a phone date with Lou (a wonderful girlfriend from Hong Kong living on the Coast) and am going to heat up my leftovers from last night and pop open a beer!

A guy asking for donations on the street in Brisbane wished me the following today after I said hello to him "I hope the rest of your weekend makes your working week worthwhile" - I reckon that's happened.

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