Thursday, March 13, 2008

Disappoint This

How do you manage disappointment? Big ones, little ones and others that are just inconveniencing to our plans.

Today I had some news that just offset me a little bit. Something that I've been planning for a little while now and one of the variables changed on me. At this relatively minor news I had all sorts of crazy ideas, going back to university, leaving the country, and generally just flaking.

How sad it is that I think of the easy options when disappointment confronts me. I've been battling to think positively, and yet, I still feel let down - even when there is so much that is good in my life. At the heart of the issue, I think I'm disappointed in myself for a range of reasons.

So, my question to the empty space is this: When disappointment strikes, are we more often disappointed with the situation/circumstances or ourselves?

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