Monday, June 04, 2007

... we're not in Kansas anymore...

Having lived in Hong Kong almost two years now I have become quite accustomed to the little oddities that surround me. It's normal.

As I'm going to be leaving though in 3 months my eyes are opening up to the things that really startled me when I first came here - Take this picture for instance, it's 32 degrees outside with 60% humidity and after doing washing and a bit of pottering I'm hiding away in air-conditioning and a summery dress sweating, and people are wandering around outside dressed like this whippersnippering the lawn, cleaning rubbish, sweeping paths!!! Seems strange not to see the whipper-snipper accompanied by the boots, stubbies and Bonds Singlet.

Yesterday on the the bus home, I saw a man surrounded by rubbish getting out from swimming in the polluted shipping channel that leads into the Tsuen Wan harbour. (I almost got off the bus at the next stop to take a photo, and am regretting my refraining)

Or this photo from when Barb Bluett visited and we snuck into the Peninsula to use their flash (and WONDERFUL) toilets. Next to the Rolls is a car decked out for a wedding... yup... look closely and you'll see Hello Kitty toys stuck to the bonnet parked outside one of the most prestigious hotels in HK.

Tonight I'm heading into town with Debbie to grab a Fullers Organic HoneyDew and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this delightful City State.

I'm going to miss Hong Kong!

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