Monday, April 23, 2007

revisiting the 8 ball

I just re-read my post on the magic 8 ball in light of some circumstances I'm facing at the moment. I wanted to challenge myself if I really was falling into a wrong way of thinking. I was encouraged instead however, by remembering through it that God does speak. and when he does, he brings life.

The 8 Ball I'm facing at the moment is doubting what God has already given me, and the peace that has come with that, due to words questioning where I'm "at". Other people and their opinions have always been a bit of an Achilles' heel for me.

I have battled all weekend questioning and doubting and confused... when God has already given peace.

I've let myself be tossed and turned by waves, because I rely so much on what people think - I let people influence me so easily - I question myself so easily. Instead, what I need to do is stand firm on what God, and the Holy Spirit have already given me, and trust him, in his love and gentleness and desire for my good, to correct me when I'm wrong. Yes, to lay my life down when called, but as and when HE leads and shows.

The magic 8 ball is deceptive. It comes upon us like a thief in the night, and it steels peace, it robs joy, it creates confusion and pain. God is not in that.

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