Monday, April 02, 2007

Hot in a Pot

I had my first "Hot Pot" (that wasn't at someone's house) on Saturday night for Ian's group birthday dinner. For the uninitiated it's basically is pot of soup on a fire in the middle of the table which you cook food in, and retrieve when it's cooked to consume immediately.

This wasn't your usual meal though as we had a local friend with us who did the ordering... thanks! As a result I ate, for the first time in my life the marrow of a cow's bone (in the picture that's the long white wormy looking things)! I did skip on the intestine this time though... I know... a bit of a woose :) The food was good and fresh with the prawns that had been skewered live still moving when popped in the pot.

Gotta love Hong Kong!
(Click on the menu for a better picture of the HK Cuisine!)

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