Saturday, September 02, 2006

13 minutes

In 13 minutes I will have been living in Hong Kong for one year. I'’d love to write something profound and meaningful about this event, and while a reflection that is more interesting may follow in the weeks to come, for now I just want to say "thank you".

Thank you God for being faithful. Throughout my whole life, and in this past year specifically, you have been faithful, and based upon that I can trust and believe that you will continue to be. While these words are far from adequate, it's moments like these I'm glad for your omniscience... "Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely Oh Lord"

Thank you friends and family: for releasing me, supporting me and encouraging me. Especially when I've been too busy to write, or an emotional wreck, your belief in me and what I am doing has been an abundant source of strength.

Lastly, thank you to my colleagues and friends who have put up with me this past year. I think you all know that I have good days and bad, just like I would anywhere else, but you put up with me and through it all actually seem to want me to hang around! It is extraordinary how much of a family you have become.

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